What Does “Design Day” Really Mean?
August 12, 2021 By Luke Powell, WELL AP, LEED AP As I type this, the ambient (outdoor) temperatures are 95°F dry bulb and 79°F wet bulb here in Louisville, KY. Those conditions are above a “design day” for Louisville (94.0°/75.1°). The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) puts out […]
VFDs and Single Phase Power
January 22, 2021 By Luke Powell, WELL AP, LEED AP When you’ve been the “VFD Expert” in your state for the last 27 years, you come across many unique applications. One that I would not consider unique, but that we are asked about all the time is using a Variable Frequency Drive when all […]
DOE Efficiency Standards on HVAC Equipment
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) establishes energy-efficiency standards for certain appliances and equipment, and currently covers more than 60 different products. The Appliance and Equipment Standards Program issues regulations on test procedures, and for the implementation, certification, and enforcement of the standards. As defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), small, large, […]